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Your guide to home appraisal

You’ve found your dream home and now it’s time to cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s before it’s all your own. And one of the first items on your closing checklist the home appraisal. So, what exactly is that? The home appraisal is essentially a value assessment of the home and property….

Convert your bedroom into a luxury suite

For most of us, our bedroom is little more than a place to sleep and relax. However, just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean that we have to settle for drab and dreary. One trend that’s gaining steam these days is converting your current bedroom into a luxury suite (or something comparable). If…

6 ways to increase the value of your home

While the value of our homes tend to generally appreciate over time. How much they appreciate will often depend largely on what you do with your home while you live in it. People who make regular upgrades to their homes often enjoy far greater returns on their real estate investments compared to people who just…

Summer is coming, so are your guests; Are you deck ready?

Summer is just around the corner and that means it’s time to get the deck ready for those relaxing nights at home in your own backyard oasis. So, we have some tips on how to get your deck fixed up for the new season. Hanging out with your family or hosting friends on your old,…

What’s your home worth? How we price your home for sale

The spring housing market is about to launch with a BANG! Many sellers and buyers wait for the better weather (and better looking landscaping) to buy or sell their homes. Competition for buyers gets a little tougher and sellers need to know that pricing their homes correctly means a faster sale. When you put your…