Leo & Lisa

Leo & Lisa

Two weeks ago we decided to sell the house and it’s already sold. In 6 days that happened, we had a great agent Brenda to help us. Why did we choose to work with the Peggy Hill Team? My daughter, she bragged about it so I said okay let’s put your money where your mouth is and BANG dead on. Glad we did, I don’t know any other place to go to other than Peggy Hill, she said I told you mom. The whole process was very good, very professional, we really enjoyed it. People came through no problem. What we really liked was everything was in order there was staging, there was photography, experience we never had before it was really something different, where as other agencies from the past haven’t caught on to that one yet and this is the way of the future, this is truly a business. It was very effective, very quick, and we love Brenda she was good. Brenda was very good. How was the home staging experience? It was very nice because we had some pointers on what to get rid of, she was cute too; she said you better follow all the rules.. I’ll check the pictures, I guess she must have given us the okay because 6 days later BOOM it’s gone. I never had my house to sterile. The photographer was very good, we really enjoyed his skills – he jumped right up on the fire hydrant to take the picture , he was funny – he was like a monkey, but what a sweet guy. The pictures were wonderful, we showed them to everyone. It was like a showroom, and I was like WOW we live here. The marketing – well the booklet was very nice – oh that was top of the line, when we saw it in the booklet we thought yes, yea let’s buy it. I looked at the video on YouTube, classy and I thought maybe I should buy that house who is crazy enough to sell that. Thanks to this team it was really a great effort, we loved it. We had other people waiting to get in, even the day that they said yes, actually they had tried to set up another viewing after it was sold. It was very surprising because we did not know what the team consisted of, we said WOW. Normally were used to one agent working with us and we didn’t expect this onslaught of professional people which was such a breathe of fresh air because it wasn’t only dealing with Brenda we were dealing with a host of people. Very professional, extremely so. We are very very happy. Brenda was sensational. She not only told us what we could sell, we even bonded as girls, which is a little bit nicer than someone who is just trying to sell your house. She surprised us when we asked her what we could sell for like an assessment we didn’t even know, we were way below what she came up with, actually we almost fell off our chairs, we were quiet surprised that the market was so healthy. We were very pleased. What impressed you the most? That it sold in 6 days, it was so quick – that was a shocker that is happened so quick but looking around at our house and looking at the pictures I knew this was a product that everyone would dream of. Keep doing what your doing and keep smiling, everyone was great. We tell our friends we tell everyone it was the Peggy Hill Team, don’t change anything, it’s working well – it is