Preparing your home for a sale can come with a long list of tasks to assure your property is in the best condition to sell. Some of these duties may include general maintenance, a thorough cleaning, the installation of new flooring, or even developing a new exterior deck. Luckily, all this time, effort, and money you put into creating a highly ideal property will optimize your ability to sell your home faster and for more money. In fact, one of the most important steps of selling is Home Staging.
Home staging is used to create a highly ideal property that helps potential buyers visualize their future. Staging a home means working to show your property’s best assets and features and create a residence that will ultimately impress buyers. The Peggy Hill Real Estate Team has a well-esteemed set of stagers who will come to your home to offer tips on creating an optimal home for sale. This fantastic service is complimentary and will undoubtedly help you generate more interest from potential buyers.
In fact, it is statistically proven that staged homes sell faster and for more money than homes that are not staged. According to the National Association Of Realtors Research Group, “82% of buyer’s agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualise the property as a future home.”
With this, the outcome seems simple: Stage your home to sell your home.
10 Home Staging Tips
Home staging doesn’t have to be overly complicated. To familiarise yourself with the staging process, we have created a list of general tips and tricks to help prepare your property for its next family.
Clean – One of the most crucial steps of preparing your property for sale is ensuring every space is spotless. You’ll want to make your home look as brand new as possible. Purchase new appliances or clean every inch of your used ones, ensure your toilet and bathtub are spotless, and that your bedrooms are tidy and well-kept.
Declutter – Simply put, clutter distracts buyers. For example, if principal rooms are filled with knick-knacks, toys, or clothes, the space will appear smaller than it actually is. Putting some of your items into storage and keeping your counters empty are two great ways to help minimise clutter.
Depersonalized – To prepare your home for its next family, it’s important to depersonalize your space to allow others the ability to visualize living in your home. This can be done by removing family photos, keepsakes, and fridge art.
Create A Fresh Space – Make your space feel inviting and welcoming when prospective buyers enter your home. Try buying a few new plants or displaying a fresh vase of flowers on the kitchen table. Also, light a few candles, remove damp towels, put the smelly pet food away, and ensure all your sinks are sparkling.
Define Each Room – A great way to help buyers visualise living in your property is if each space is given a purpose. So, maximise every inch of your home and make every room look complete.
Apply A Fresh Coat Of Paint – If your space looks dark or dull, a great way to revitalise the area is by giving the walls a fresh coat of paint. Avoid bright colours; instead, choose a neutral colour palette that will instantly make the space feel warm and inviting.
Create Gleaming Floors – Upon entry, the state of your floor will be immediately noticeable to potential buyers. Therefore, ensuring your floor is in the best condition possible may be a good idea. Consider installing new flooring, or get your carpets professionally cleaned.
Lighting – If one of your home’s most beautiful aspects is the plethora of natural light, then be sure to take advantage of this in your staging process. Open all your blinds, clean the inside and outside of your windows, and turn on every light and lamp to make the space feel inviting.
Assess The Interior – If you can notice a crack in your ceiling, then it is more than likely all of your prospective buyers will see it as well. Therefore, it is essential to assess any foundation issues and get them fixed before putting your home on the market. Fix the minor problems so you don’t scare off your buyers.
Curb Appeal & Exterior Features – First impressions are critical. Prospective buyers will likely be drawn to homes with clean and meticulously maintained exteriors over cluttered and untidy ones. So, cut your lawn, perfect your garden beds, power wash your back deck, take off the pool and hot tub cover, and ensure your patio furniture is exposed and looking its best.
The Main Takeaway
Home staging prepares your home for in-person viewing and when clients tour your home online. A staged home looks more ideal in photos, generates a higher immediate interest, and encourages buyers to visit your property. Additionally, staging can bring emotions into the purchase and help you generate a quicker and more efficient sale. Most importantly, home staging can create a higher price for your property, and you should never settle for less than what your home is worth.