Best exterior updates that have great ROI

It’s the perfect time of year to enhance your home’s exterior! With the right upgrades, you can make a significant impact on your property. Certain makeovers can offer an average return on investment of 50%- 75%. Whether you’re preparing to sell or just want to spruce up your place, choosing renovations with a good return on investment is key.


Well-maintained landscaping adds beauty and value to your home. Consider investing in fresh mulch and a neatly trimmed lawn. Incorporating elements like flower beds, shrubs, and trees can yield a return on investment of approximately 100%. A well-maintained garden boosts curb appeal and creates a strong first impression.

Stone veneer

Stone veneer typically adds significant appeal to a home’s exterior. It’s a costly upgrade but yields over 95% ROI in a midrange home. A smart choice of stone and colour to complement siding will add a “wow” factor to a home’s exterior.

New Deck/patios

Summer is the perfect time to expand your outdoor living space with a new wood deck. A deck increases your usable space, simplifies entertaining, and offers a return on investment of about 71.5%. If you already have a deck, consider repairing it instead of replacing it to maintain its value and functionality.

New Roof

Getting a new roof can really boost your home’s look and make buyers feel confident about its structure. Choosing materials like asphalt shingles, which are affordable and durable, can give you a return on investment of about 60-70%. It’s a smart way to improve both the appearance and value of your home.

New Garage Doors

Don’t underestimate the impact of your garage doors on your home’s curb appeal. Since they can make up about a third of your house’s front exterior, attractive garage doors are crucial. Investing in new garage doors can provide a return on investment of 85-95%. A modern, well-insulated garage door not only boosts curb appeal but also increases your home’s value. If you have a front-facing garage, this upgrade can make a significant difference in the overall look and feel of your property.

Investing in these upgrades offers more than just aesthetic improvements; it’s a savvy financial move with potential returns on investment ranging from 50% to 100%. Whether you’re preparing to sell or aiming to enhance your living space, now is the ideal moment to pursue these exterior enhancements.